The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn–Part 2 Bella & Edward Giftset

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn–Part 2 Bella & Edward Giftset

Un comentario en “The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn–Part 2 Bella & Edward Giftset”

  1. / I think Mattel was just jumping on the Harry Potter bgoawdann. I see nothing open-minded about it. Granted, yes, I do love Barbie. In fact, as a practioner of ancient high priestess activities, I’ve been on the hunt to purchase Barbies that represent the three god/desses I relate to most (Isis, Athena, & Odin). To my delight I found Princess of the Nile Barbie, Ancient Greece Barbie & Viking Barbie (ok, she’s not Odin, but close enough, lol) and I find them far more in tune with what I believe in than Malibu Barbie dressed up as Secret Spells Barbie! Heck, even the Halloween Barbies are cooler.Also, I would like to add that I’m not a fan of the automatic association of spells with wicca. I don’t like labels, I don’t like religion, I don’t like group activities, but I do love researching ancient folklore, herbology, and such. There are many practioners of magic and we are not all Wiccan.

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